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Character Looks Database


This database is incomplete, it needs to be checked and enriched.

For this it would be good if an interested person could do this essential work. Thank you.

To understand what the viewing angles of the characters painted in the paintings are, we must refer to the page on composition techniques: "the looks of the characters".

Here is a database of 388 viewing angles of the characters found on 212 tables.

I quickly recall that this technique would have been born during Ancient Greece where these lines of glances starting from the eyes would be a rather coherent graphic illustration of the theory of diaphanous in force during the period of great thinkers and philosophers of the 5th century before Christ.

With this Greek Hero ceramic below, it is easy to draw your lines of gaze (in red) even with a single visible eye. This one being drawn in the shape of an almond, it indicates the line of the horizontal gaze which precisely points its index finger.

Then by drawing from his eye an angle of 9 ° (blue), it points the end of his penis, then two angles of 36 ° (in yellow) point the second index and the tip of his wing.

This composition with the line of sight and the preferential angles emphasizes well the theme and the attributes of this divinity.

Capture d’écran 2019-10-16 à

With this ceramic from -460 BC, it is possible to find on the database a viewing angle of 9 ° and two at 30 °.

Base de données des angles de regards des personnages dans les peintures anciennes
Suite base de données des angles de regards des personnages peints
Suite base de données des angles de regards des personnages peints
Suite base de données des angles de regards des personnages peints
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