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You will find in this chapter of pictorial archeology 7 pages:


Introduction to pictorial archeology - Was there a secret? - Material evidence -

Inventory of works studied and painters - database of narrative lines -

preferential angles database

Character Looks Database


Pictorial archeology is taught in science faculties to future archaeologists.

But, to my knowledge, there is no teaching on the composition, the organization of forms, rules and techniques in the history of painting.

From the methods of investigation of archeology I understood the pictorial composition in the most scientific way possible.



The absence of ancient texts dedicated to the pictorial composition raises the question of a manufacturing secret. The first step is to ask the question correctly.

Then the search for written or material evidence

N'hésitez pas à laisser votre commentaire, vos questions en pied de page, mon plaisir est de pouvoir échanger avec vous sur la composition picturale. Merci.


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